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The quest for a better world for future generations

Image de Ben Wicks

Who are we

Children's Freedom for Future recognizes that our strength lies not in words, but in the actions we take and the initiatives we support. It was in 2022 that our non-profit organization realized that it is through collective work that we can meet challenges effectively. That's why we decided to create Children's Freedom for Future.

To respond to emerging challenges in society impacting the future of our children, the organization acts according to the following mission, vision and values.


Created to bring together and mobilize all the different Canadian communities, and even international ones, in the quest for a better world for future generations CFFF gives itself clear guidelines to meet the aspirations of the people it represents.

Accueil: À propos de nous
Image by Senjuti Kundu

William James

“  Act like what you do makes a difference. That makes one. »

Accueil: Citation

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